API Reference

Make sure to properly encode the query parameters in your code.

Required parameters

All parameters are optional to prefill.

Optional parameters

utm_sourcestringThis parameter is used for tracking the source of the traffic.
company_namestringThis property will prefill the from name input value.
birthdatestringMust be in the ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). Upon providing this information, it will automatically schedule the sending time of the gift for 08:00 AM CEST the next available date (MM-DD). It is also possible to pass in only MM-DD to set the month and day.
first_namestringThe first name of the recipient.
last_namestringThe last name of the recipient.
emailstringThe email of the recipient.
phone_numberstringThe phone number of the recipient
recipientsArray of objectsAn array of recipient objects, each containing first_name, last_name, phone_number, and email properties.
amountstringThe initial amount to be set. Must be an integer. Floats are not accepted.

You can either fill in the recipients array with the recipient data or provide individual parameters such as first_name, last_name, phone_number, and email. Please ensure to use one method per request to avoid any confusion or redundancy.

The Significance of utm_source

By utilizing the utm_source parameter, we can tailor the user experience on your platform according to your specific needs. Kindly reach out to us to discuss the required steps for implementation

Encoding Parameters

When adding query parameters to the URL, it's important to ensure that they are URL encoded. This means that certain characters are replaced with a string that represents the same characters in the URL-encoded format. For example, spaces are replaced with %20, and so on.

Here's an example of how to encode parameters in JavaScript:

// Only one recipient
const params = new URLSearchParams({
  company_name: "John Doe Inc.",
  birthdate: "1980-01-01",
  utm_source: "example_source",
  first_name: "John Doe",
  last_name: "Doe",
  phone_number: "90000000"

const url = `https://www.send.glede.app?${params}`;

// Multiple recipients
const recipientsParams = new URLSearchParams({
 company_name: "John Doe Inc.",
 birthdate: "1980-01-01",
 utm_source: "example_source",
 recipients: JSON.stringify([
        first_name: 'John',
        last_name: 'Doe',
        phone_number: '90000000'
   		{ ... }